spikeinterface template matching
spikeinterface template matching¶
Template matching is the final step used in many tools (kilosort, spyking-circus, yass, tridesclous, hdsort...)
In this step, from a given catalogue (aka dictionnary) of template (aka atoms), algorithms explain traces as a linear sum of template plus residual noise.
We have started to implement some template matching procedure in spikeinterface.
Here a small demo and also some benchmark to compare performance of theses algos.
For this we will use a simulated with mearec dataset on 32 channel neuronexus like probe. Then we will compute the true template using the true sorting. Theses true templates will be used for diffrents method. And then we will apply comparison to ground truth procedure to estimate only this step.
# %matplotlib widget
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from pathlib import Path
import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import spikeinterface.full as si
base_folder = Path('/mnt/data/sam/DataSpikeSorting/mearec_template_matching')
mearec_file = base_folder / 'recordings_collision_15cells_Neuronexus-32_1800s.h5'
wf_folder = base_folder / 'Waveforms_recording_15cells_Neuronexus-32_1800s'
rec_folder = base_folder /'Preprocessed_recording_15cells_Neuronexus-32_1800s'
open and preprocess¶
# load already cache or compute
if rec_folder.exists():
recording = si.load_extractor(rec_folder)
recording, gt_sorting = si.read_mearec(mearec_file)
recording = si.bandpass_filter(recording, dtype='float32')
recording = si.common_reference(recording)
recording = recording.save(folder=rec_folder, n_jobs=20, chunk_size=30000, progress_bar=True)
construct true templates¶
_, gt_sorting = si.read_mearec(mearec_file)
recording = si.load_extractor(rec_folder)
we = si.extract_waveforms(recording, gt_sorting, wf_folder, load_if_exists=True,
ms_before=2.5, ms_after=3.5, max_spikes_per_unit=500,
n_jobs=20, chunk_size=30000, progress_bar=True)
metrics = si.compute_quality_metrics(we, metric_names=['snr'], load_if_exists=True)
run several method of template matching¶
A unique function is used for that find_spikes_from_templates()
from spikeinterface.sortingcomponents.template_matching import find_spikes_from_templates
# Some method need teh noise level (for internal detection)
noise_levels = si.get_noise_levels(recording, return_scaled=False)
## this method support parallel computing
job_kwargs = dict(
# lets build dict for handling parameters
methods = {}
methods['naive'] = ('naive',
{'waveform_extractor' : we})
methods['tridesclous'] = ('tridesclous',
{'waveform_extractor' : we,
'noise_levels' : noise_levels,
'num_closest' :3})
methods['circus'] = ('circus',
{'waveform_extractor' : we,
'noise_levels' : noise_levels})
methods['circus-omp'] = ('circus-omp',
{'waveform_extractor' : we,
'noise_levels' : noise_levels})
spikes_by_methods = {}
for name, (method, method_kwargs) in methods.items():
spikes = find_spikes_from_templates(recording, method=method, method_kwargs=method_kwargs, **job_kwargs)
spikes_by_methods[name] = spikes
## the output of every method is a numpy array with a complex dtype
spikes = spikes_by_methods['tridesclous']
check performances method by method¶
For this:
- we transform the
vector into asorting
object - use the
function to compute performances - plot agreement matrix
- plot accuracy vs snr
- plot collision vs similarity
- as we provide the true template list every matrix is supposed to be squared!!! The performances are can be seen on the diagonal. A perfect matching is supposed to have only ones on the diagonal.
- The dataset here is one the dataset used in collision paper We can also make a fine benchmark on inspecting collision.
# load metrics for snr on true template
metrics = we.load_extension('quality_metrics').get_metrics()
templates = we.get_all_templates()
comparisons = {}
for name, (method, method_kwargs) in methods.items():
spikes = spikes_by_methods[name]
sorting = si.NumpySorting.from_times_labels(spikes['sample_ind'], spikes['cluster_ind'], recording.get_sampling_frequency())
comp = si.compare_sorter_to_ground_truth(gt_sorting, sorting)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2)
si.plot_agreement_matrix(comp, ax=axs[0])
si.plot_sorting_performance(comp, metrics, performance_name='accuracy', metric_name='snr', ax=axs[1], color='g')
si.plot_sorting_performance(comp, metrics, performance_name='recall', metric_name='snr', ax=axs[1], color='b')
si.plot_sorting_performance(comp, metrics, performance_name='precision', metric_name='snr', ax=axs[1], color='r')
axs[1].set_ylim(0.8, 1.1)
axs[1].legend(['accuracy', 'recall', 'precision'])
comp = si.CollisionGTComparison(gt_sorting, sorting)
comparisons[name] = comp
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
si.plot_comparison_collision_by_similarity(comp, templates, figure=fig)
comparison of methods 2 by 2¶
names = list(comparisons.keys())
n = len(names)
for r, name0 in enumerate(names):
for c, name1 in enumerate(names):
if r<=c:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
val0 = comparisons[name0].get_performance()['accuracy']
val1 = comparisons[name1].get_performance()['accuracy']
ax.scatter(val0, val1)
ax.plot([0,1], [0, 1], color='k')
ax.set_xlim(0.6, 1)
ax.set_ylim(0.6, 1)
- tridesclous and circus-omp are clear winner for performances
- tridesclous is the fastest
- Improvement must be done because performances are far to be perfect!!!